virtual prison
The installation portrays how humans are failing to break through the glass walls of virtual reality and falling away from the world of human interaction and affection. The pigments for the ideal being has left the common man benefit of the ability to feel and empathize in the real world which in turn teaches us the indulgence of artificial intelligence. The installation sighs to align with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to encourage responsible production and consumption.
the waves
This Installation is targeted towards the aftermath  of extensive global warming and plastic pollution, after which there is no land available and only creatures like jelly fish who have learned to adapt remain. This installation allows the person to walk through it and get a sense of the devastation caused by humans and how it will consume us if we continue with our current lifestyles and global warming goes on increasing.
the navarasa
This is an Interactive Mural Based on The Navarasa's, here there are three stands with various levels and multi colored seats which people can climb onto and sit. The stands have nine different faces of emotions one's which every human goes through and faces in their lifetime. The representation of different levels and the LGBTQ colors are to show that in ADW all people are equal and no one is different than the others all share the same emotions and the varied standards of living life.
worked as part of head installation crew

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